Package-level declarations


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fun SwipeBox(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, state: SwipeableState<Int> = rememberSwipeableState(initialValue = 0), swipeDirection: SwipeDirection = SwipeDirection.EndToStart, startContentWidth: Dp = 0.dp, startContent: @Composable RowScope.(swipeableState: SwipeableState<Int>, startSwipeProgress: Float) -> Unit? = null, endContentWidth: Dp = 0.dp, endContent: @Composable RowScope.(swipeableState: SwipeableState<Int>, endSwipeProgress: Float) -> Unit? = null, thresholds: (from: Int, to: Int) -> ThresholdConfig = { _, _ -> FixedThreshold(12.dp) }, content: @Composable BoxScope.(swipeableState: SwipeableState<Int>, startSwipeProgress: Float, endSwipeProgress: Float) -> Unit)

Designed a box layout that you can swipe to show action boxes from both directions