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Starting from version 1.3.0, this library allows users to customize web settings.

There are some common WebSettings that can be shared across different platforms, such as isJavaScriptEnabled and userAgent.


class WebSettings {
  var isJavaScriptEnabled = true

  var customUserAgentString: String? = null

     * Android platform specific settings
    val androidWebSettings = PlatformWebSettings.AndroidWebSettings()

     * Desktop platform specific settings
    val desktopWebSettings = PlatformWebSettings.DesktopWebSettings()

     * iOS platform specific settings
    val iOSWebSettings = PlatformWebSettings.IOSWebSettings



For platform specific settings, this library provides the PlatformWebSettings.

These settings will only be applied to the respective platforms and do not affect other platforms.

sealed class PlatformWebSettings {
    data class AndroidWebSettings(
         * whether the WebView should support zooming using its on-screen zoom
         * controls and gestures. The particular zoom mechanisms that should be used
         * can be set with {@link #setBuiltInZoomControls}. This setting does not
         * affect zooming performed using the {@link WebView#zoomIn()} and
         * {@link WebView#zoomOut()} methods. The default is {@code true}.
         * @param support whether the WebView should support zoom
        var supportZoom: Boolean = true,

         * whether Safe Browsing is enabled. Safe Browsing allows WebView to
         * protect against malware and phishing attacks by verifying the links.
        var safeBrowsingEnabled: Boolean = true,

        // .....
    ) : PlatformWebSettings()

    data class DesktopWebSettings(
        var offScreenRendering: Boolean = false,
        var transparent: Boolean = false,
    ) : PlatformWebSettings()

    data object IOSWebSettings : PlatformWebSettings()


Developers can configure custom settings in the shared code in the following way:

val webViewState = rememberWebViewStateWithHTMLData(
    data = html
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
    webViewState.webSettings.apply {
        isJavaScriptEnabled = true
        androidWebSettings.apply {
            isAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed = true
            safeBrowsingEnabled = true
    onDispose { }